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Religion in Belarus

Belarus people practise a wide range of religions freely and peacefully.

Religions in Belarus (non-Orthodox)

Orthodox religion is by no means the only Belarus religion. Many other religions are also well represented in the country, including:

  • Roman Catholics (499 churches)
  • Protestants (over 1000 communities)
  • Jews (more than 50 Hebrew communities)
  • Muslims (24 communities and nine mosques)

There are up to 25 religious confessions in Belarus, the number of religious communities amounts to more than 3.4 thousand (January, 2024).

Orthodox religion

Orthodox is the principal religion of Belarus.

There are over 1000 Orthodox churches in Belarus and an increasing number of cloisters are being revived.

Many of the country’s most famous monuments and architectural attractions are inspired by the Orthodox tradition.

Religious freedom and tolerance

Work continues to protect the different Belarus religious groups and Belarus churches, and to guard against the influence of religious sects.

The Minsk Theological Academy, the first of its kind in Belarus, opened in 1995.

Great Patriotic War monuments in Belarus