Official Website of the Republic of Belarus
Official Website of the Republic of Belarus

Eid al-Adha in Ivye, city of four confessions

Eid al-Adha in Ivye, city of four confessions
One of the largest Muslim communities in Belarus celebrates Eid al-Adha in Ivye, Grondo Oblast. In the early 20th century, there were wooden mosques in many Belarusian towns: Mir, Kletsk, Novogrudok, Slonim. Up to now, the ancient building of the late 19th century still exists only in Ivye, which is informally called the Tatar capital of the country. The Ivye mosque was a gift to the local Tatars from Countess Elvira Zamoyskaya. In 2012, the monument in honor of friendship and unity of confessions of Ivye District was erected in Ivye’s central square. It unites four steles with arches dedicated to one of the four confessions. Representatives of these confessions live in Ivye and Ivye District: Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims and Jews. There is also a museum of national cultures in the town.