A look at official holidays Belarus, and other festivals and significant days celebrated in the country...
15 March marks the day in 1994 when Belarus established its new Constitution.
This is the official holiday marking the union of the states of Belarus and Russia. On this day in 1996 the President of Belarus (Aleksandr Lukashenko) and the then-President of Russia (Boris Yeltsin) signed the Commonwealth agreement of Belarus and Russia in Moscow. One year later, on 2 April 1997, came the agreement to form a Belarus-Russia Union.
This holiday is dedicated to the main symbols of the country which embody the ideas of national unity and are the major attributes of sovereignty and independence in Belarus.
Victory Day commemorates victory in the World War 2 (known as the Great Patriotic War).
During the war, 25 per cent of the population of Belarus died. The occasion is marked with a large parade in Minsk Victory Square led by war veterans.
In Belarus, Independence Day is celebrated on 3 July and marks the liberation of Minsk in 1944 from fascist aggressors.
The occasion is marked with a large military parade in Pobeditilei Avenue. Independence Day demonstrates the achievements of a sovereign Belarus and reminds the people that by suffering great loss, they have won the freedom of their country.
The Day of People’s Unity is celebrated on 17 September.
Memorable dates:
Belarus officially established memorable dates to acknowledge victims of great tragedy and to pay respect to those that died.
Apart from the official holidays in Belarus there are also popular ancient national holidays:
National holidays when all offices are closed: