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Museums in Belarus

Loshitsa Palace and Park Ensemble in Minsk
Loshitsa Palace and Park Ensemble in Minsk

What are the interesting places for tourists to see when on a visit to Belarus? Where to go to see rare and absolutely unique artifacts?

Today in Belarus there are about 160 museums, among which are historical palace and park ensembles, medieval castles, manors and houses of prominent personalities, rich collections and cozy themed mini-museums…

The country’s largest public museums are located in the capital. Many of them are located in the central districts of Minsk and are particularly popular with tourists.

Over the past years, the Museum of Minsk History has turned into a big network of expositions across the city. Apart from its main building in Revolutsionnaya Street, the museum has subsidiaries such as Minsk Town Hall, the museum of carriages, Mikhail Savitsky Art Gallery, the museum-studio of sculptor Ivan Misko and the old part of Minsk – Loshitsa Palace and Park Ensemble.

The world’s first Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War is among the most visited and is the main museum out of all Belarusian military museums. It was redeployed to a new building in Minsk’s Pobeditelei Avenue in 2014.

Belarus’ museum gems are the ancient towns with old quarters and numerous memorial expositions and castles and palaces which are specimens of the Belarusian architecture displaying collections of rarities in original and restored interiors.

Almost every Belarusian city and town has a museum devoted to its history from ancient times till the present, local culture and traditions.

In different parts of Belarus, there are themed museums about landmark historical events and outstanding personalities, culture, ethnography, culinary traditions, and the stunning Belarusian nature.

Great Patriotic War monuments in Belarus