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Agritourism in Belarus

Rural tourism is one of the most attractive ways of spending holidays in Belarus. Picturesque landscapes, untouched nature and the unique rural color attract guests to Belarusian farm tourism estates. National Geographic named Belarus best agrotourism destination.

When coming to Belarus for a long holiday or for several days you will be able to:

Farm tourism estates in Belarus

Today Belarus has over 1,300 farm tourism estates (2024). They are located in the most picturesque places. Their design usually reflects the Belarusian color but some have a modern eco-style design.

You can find a lot of rural houses for tourists in or near the national parks Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Narochansky and Pripyatsky.

These farm tourism estates offer their guests different entertainment activities which correspond to their specialization:

  • active lifestyle activities (fishing, hunting, boating, “green” hiking trips, Belarusian cuisine and excursions to local sights);
  • family activities (walking in the woods, picking berries and mushrooms, swimming in lakes, entertainment for children and adults, meals made from organic food and the making of souvenirs);
  • acquaintance with unique Belarusian traditions and villagers’ life

Belarusian color is the main peculiarity of farm tourism estates which architecture reflects the national style. Its hosts create special cultural programs. Here you can hear local legends and authentic songs, master Belarusian dances and take part in old folk rites, for example, sing Christmas carols and celebrate Shrovetide or Kupalle. You can even arrange a wedding which will be held according to Belarusian traditions.

If you are interested in the life of Belarusian peasants and would like to master some of their skills you can order a hay mowing tour in early morning (breakfast in the field is included), feed animals in the coaching inn, check honeycombs or bake Belarusian bread.

Of course you can take a steam bath with aromatic bunches of green birch twigs and healing herbs and also get familiar with traditional recipes and the secrets of personal care.

Every third Sunday in May the Doors Open Day in Belarusian farm tourism estates is held.

It has already become a tradition that on this day owners of farm tourism estates show tourists their houses, tell them about the services and sights available and prepare food. Many participants of the Doors Open Day campaign create their own programs with excursions and exclusive dishes.

Agro- and eco-tourism in Belarus is becoming increasingly popular with tourists. These days owners of farm tourism estates, farmers, craftsmen and representatives of tourism business form clusters and offer a wide range of services to their guests. They also offer unique programs and present their own brands.

Festivals in Belarus  

Throughout the entire year interesting festivals and celebrations are held in Belarus, both in the country and in small towns. Many of them have acquired the status of international events.
The most popular of them are:

  • the rural tourism festival Zaborsky Fest (Rossony District, Vitebsk Oblast)
  • the international festival of traditional culture Braslauskiya Zarnitsy (Braslav District, Vitebsk Obalst)
  • the international culinary festival Motalskiya Prysmaki (Ivanovo District, Brest Oblast)
  • The festival of humor Sporauskiya Zharty and a mowing contest Sporovskiye Senokosy (Beryoza District, Brest Oblast)
  • All-Belarus folk humor festival Avtyuki (Kalinkovichi District, Gomel Oblast)
  • The national festival Alexandria Gathers Friends (Shklov District, Mogilev Oblast)
  • The folk arts and craft festival Dribinskiye Torzhki (Dribin, Mogilev Oblast)
  • The festival of ethnic and cultural traditions Zov Polesya (Lyaskovichi agrotown, the Pripyatsky National Park)
  • the national festival of folk arts Beraginya (Oktyabrsky, Gomel Oblast)
  • the folk crafts festival Neglyubskiye Ruchniki (Vetka District, Gomel Oblast)
  • The festival of folk arts "Augustow Canal gathers friends" and folk arts festival "Augustow Canal in the culture of the three peoples" (Grodno District)
  • The Annensky Kirmash festival (Zelva District, Grodno Oblast)
  • The folk arts festival Napeu Zyamli Mayoi [The Song of My Land] (Maryina Gorka, Minsk Oblast)
  • The festival of folk arts Slutsk Belts (Minsk Oblast)
Great Patriotic War monuments in Belarus