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Business news

2 Jan 2015

New power installations commissioned in Belarus in 2014

MINSK, 5 January (BelTA) – Over 1,100MW of new highly effective generating capacity was commissioned as part of the Belarusian power grid in 2014, the press service of the Belarusian Energy Ministry told BelTA.

It was the first time this rate of renovation of the basic assets had been achieved by the Belarusian energy system, said the press service. In particular, the Bereza state district power plant and the Lukoml state district power plant commissioned power-generating units with the output capacity of 427MW in addition to a 65MW combined-cycle gas turbine in Borisov.

According to Belarusian Energy Minister Vladimir Potupchik, the result was achieved thanks to hard work done by personnel of the Belarusian energy system on a daily basis as part of the implementation of government programs for developing the country’s power grid. “We are optimistic about the future. Important steps have been made to improve the effectiveness of the national power grid’s operation,” noted the Energy Minister. They have managed to balance the financial and economic operation of energy providers, preserve the personnel potential of the energy industry, and make some headway for the sake of the industry’s effective and dynamic development. “We have determined priorities for the future. We have all the reasons to believe that the year 2015 will be at least as good as 2014,” stressed Vladimir Potupchik.

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