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Finding premises in Belarus

How to find, rent or buy premises for your business in Belarus

Renting an office in Belarus

Most foreign and international companies in Belarus rent office space.

Minsk is the central commercial hub of the country where a wide selection of commercial real estate is available, however, one can find rather convenient real estate renting options in the regions, too.

Dozens of modern business centers of various classes have emerged in Minsk in the last ten years. More are vigorously being built. Business districts and trade and office streets gradually emerge in the Belarusian capital.

Prices for rented office space in Minsk are affordable: in 2020 the rent rate (per square meter per month) varied between €8 and €25 (VAT included) depending on the class of the business center.

The office rent market in Minsk is rather saturated but the city’s concentration of business centers has not yet reached international levels. At present investing in the construction of office premises in Minsk is a promising area of investment.

At present one of the largest-scale projects being implemented in Europe is the multifunctional mega complex Minsk Mir with a new international financial center at its core.

Buying real estate in Belarus

Although the real estate market in Belarus is on the rise and the prices are rather moderate, there are some peculiarities that foreign citizens have to bear in mind:

  • land is not for sale, only the buildings,
  • purchases of real estate are accompanied by a long-term land rent contract (for 99 years at most).

Land plots can be owned by citizens of the Republic of Belarus, non-state legal persons of the Republic of Belarus, foreign nations, and international organizations.

Land plots can be privately owned by foreign citizens and stateless persons if they inherit the land from a relative unless stated otherwise by the legislation.

Other premises in Belarus

Foreign companies usually rent:

  • warehouse premises
  • retail premises
  • small manufacturing facilities

An increasing number of large multi-national companies are willing to invest in Belarus. These companies help modernize the production sector and improve infrastructure in Belarus.

Industrial park in Belarus

Located in the geographical center of Europe at the crossroads of transport routes of strategic importance, Belarus is a convenient territory for doing business. At present the largest Belarusian-Chinese joint project is being developed in Belarus – the industrial park Great Stone. It is open to companies from any part of the world.

The industrial park is under construction now. It is supposed to become an important nodal platform in China’s large-scale integration initiative Silk Road Economic Belt.

Logistics hubs in Belarus

In the last few years Belarus’ logistics industry has noticeably expanded. Modern transport and logistics hubs have been opened, customs administration has been improved, comprehensive logistics services are available.

In the country there are 60 logistics centers (2019). Most of them have been established with assistance of foreign investors from Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Iran…

A major multimodal industrial and logistics hub is being created in the town of Bolbasovo, Orsha District, Vitebsk Oblast. The site is supposed to become a major portal for enterprises intent on processing raw materials, transshipping cargoes, coordinating interaction of different kinds of transport, and on short-term and long-term storage of commodities.

Great Patriotic War monuments in Belarus