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5 Dec 2023

Belarusian Bellesbumprom’s export to increase by $100m thanks to new investment projects

Belarusian Bellesbumprom’s export to increase by $100m thanks to new investment projects
An archive photo

MINSK, 5 December (BelTA) – New investment projects of the Belarusian timber, woodworking, pulp and paper industry concern Bellesbumprom will allow earning extra $100 million from export, BelTA learned from Bellesbumprom Deputy Chairman Aleksandr Pshenny.

Bellesbumprom continues a series of innovative projects. Svetlogorsk Pulp and Cardboard Mill will implement a major project, which envisages the construction of a new paper-making machine to make bag paper. The machine will be able to make 160,000 tonnes of paper per annum. Investments in the project will be $150-170 million.

Aleksandr Pshenny said: “Two projects will be implemented in Ivatsevichi. The first one is a line to make laminated panels. The second one is a line to make panels for kitchen furniture sets. We are going to make such new products for Belarus as tabletops and splashbacks. As much as $10-15 million will be invested in these projects.”

The official added that the possibility of implementing a project to make high pressure laminate (HPL) panels in Vitebsk in 2024-2025 is under consideration. Such panels are made of several layers of plastic. They are used to make furniture and transportation vehicles. It is a new kind of products designed to replace particleboards and medium-density fiberboards (MDF). About $30-40 million will be invested in the project.

“Apart from that, plans have been made to make two paper-making machines to make sanitary tissue products at the paper factory Spartak. The decision has been made because the market is expanding and demand exceeds supply. As part of the One District - One Project program we intend to build a new paperboard machine at Slonim Cardboard and Paper Mill Albertin in 2024-2025,” the Bellesbumprom deputy chairman added.

In his words, the implementation of these projects will allow earning extra $100 million from exporting paper products. “These import-substituting products will fully satisfy the domestic demand and will attract additional foreign currency into the country,” Aleksandr Pshenny stressed.

In his opinion, Belarus should focus on making the kinds of products that it already knows how to make and for which it has the appropriate raw materials. “For instance, the bag packaging products we make virtually completely satisfy the domestic demand. Another staple product of ours is sanitary tissue products (paper, tissues, and towels). Such products as offset paper and office paper need to be made in large amounts in order to be competitive,” the Bellesbumprom deputy chairman stressed.


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