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3 Sep 2015

Belarus president attends army parade in Beijing

Belarus president attends army parade in BeijingBEIJING, 3 September (BelTA) – Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko attended the army parade that took place in Beijing on 3 September to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory in the war against Japan and the end of World War Two, BelTA has learned.

China celebrates victory over the Japanese militarism and the end of World War Two on 3 September.

Belarus president attends army parade in BeijingIt is the first time a major military parade has been arranged in China for purposes other than celebrating another anniversary of the day when the People’s Republic of China was founded.

Belarus president attends army parade in BeijingAbout 30 leaders of foreign nations and heads of international organizations attended the parade. In particular, the number included the heads of state of Russia, Czechia, Serbia, Venezuela, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Central and Southeast Asia countries.

Belarus president attends army parade in BeijingThe leaders were greeted by Chinese President Xi Jinping in Tiananmen Square. After posing for a group photo the heads of state, including Alexander Lukashenko, went on to watch the parade.Belarus president attends army parade in Beijing

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