Project name: "Improving organizational mattes of providing emergency medical services to the population of Gantsevichi District"
Implementation period: 12 months
Applicant: healthcare facility Gantsevichi District Central Hos-pital
Project objectives:
- purchase of a mobile intensive care ambulance for transport-ing patients over long distances more than 300 km (to Bara-novichi, Brest, Minsk);
- purchase of consumables for medical equipment of the mobile intensive care ambulance;
- maintenance of medical equipment for artificial ventilation of the lungs located in the mobile intensive care ambulance;
- improvement of the quality of medical care services during transportation of patients;
- carrying out remedial actions of emergency medical care by the paramedics team, transportation and monitoring of patients until reaching the hospital, resuscitation procedures during transportation of patients to the hospital and during transpor-tation of patients from one hospital to another;
- compliance with the standards of assistance during transpor-tation of patients.
Project goal: to carry out remedial actions of emergency medi-cal care by the paramedics team, transportation and monitor-ing of patients until reaching the hospital, resuscitation proce-dures during transportation of patients to the hospital and from one hospital to another.
Target group:
- patients with cardiovascular diseases who need examination of cardiac vessels (coronary angiography, angioplasty and stenting);
- patients with neurological diseases who need computed to-mography of the brain (cerebral infarction followed by throm-bolysis and hemorrhage in the brain);
- patients with brain injuries for clarification of the diagnosis.
Project summary:
- organization of the work of doctors and nurses who are re-sponsible for transporting and attending to patients;
- implementation during transportation hemodynamic monitor-ing and the necessary treatment on the way.
Project budget (in US dollars) – 100,000
Source of financing: Amount of financing (in US dollars)
Project site: 64 Matrosova Street, Gantsevichi, Gantsevichi District, Brest Oblast, Belarus
Contact person:
Yuri Shchitkovsky, resuscitationist, head of the intensive care unit
Phone: +375-16-462-29-79
Vadim Soshko – chief physician of the healthcare facility Gantsevichi District Central Hospital
Phone: +375-16-462-39-83