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Belarusian People’s Congress

23 Jun 2016

Resolution of the 5th Belarusian People's Congress

Resolution of the 5th Belarusian People's Congress

Resolution of the 5th Belarusian People's Congress

Together For Strong and Flourishing Belarus!

We, full-fledged representatives of the people of the Republic of Belarus, being guided by the constitutional principles of citizen participation, recognizing our responsibility for the future of our country, decide to:

1. Recognize that the implementation of the social and economic development program of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015 ensured political stability, economic sustainability and social security in the country.

The Republic of Belarus moved from the 68th position in 2000 to 50th among 188 nations on the Human Development Index, according to the 2015 UN report. Today Belarus is part of the group of countries with high human development index.

Social guarantees and people’s income increased while the share of the poor decreased from 7.3% in 2011 to 5.1% in 2015.

The demographic situation has improved substantially. In 2014, for the first time in the past twenty years, the population of the Republic began to grow. The problem of the demographic entrapment has been settled.

Gross domestic product per capita based on purchasing power parity rose from $15,400 in 2010 to $17,700 in 2015.

However, the main targets have not been achieved due to a number of negative external and internal factors. The overall development of the country towards the end of the past five-year period was below the projections. This required the adoption of balanced comprehensive measures to overcome the negative trends. The new five-year program is aimed at creating conditions for sustainable development of the country.

2. Endorse the main provisions of the social and economic development program of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 and support its primary goal, which is to improve the quality of life of people through increased economic competitiveness, investments and innovations. To achieve this goal the country will focus on the following main areas of social and economic development:

investments stimulating labor productivity, creation of jobs and development of advanced regional development centers;

employment and human development;

promotion and diversification of exports of goods and services, securing a foreign trade surplus;

development of the information society and widespread assimilation of information and communication technologies;

fullest possible development of the potential of youth and their engagement in state-building.

The economic development in the next five years will be driven by more efficient governance at all levels, including through streamlining the functions of the state apparatus and the structure of state assets.

Encouraging entrepreneurial skills and supporting business will contribute to the creation of new jobs, promotion of well-being of citizens and their self-realization in the interests of the Belarusian society.

3. To entrust the state authorities to take exhaustive measures to achieve the goal and the priorities of the social and economic development by improving institutional environment, changing the industrial and technological structure of the economy, increasing the efficiency of public administration and employment, reducing production costs, developing the private sector and enhancing its contribution to the economy, realizing the full potential of cooperation with all countries of the world, and ensuring full participation in the development of the Eurasian Economic Union.

4. To view economic recovery and sustainable economic growth, which are prerequisites for successful life of future generations, as a key objective for the next five years.

5. To submit, within three days, the present resolution to the head of state for consideration and adoption of relevant decisions.

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