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2020 Belarusian Presidential Election

The date of the presidential election in Belarus was set at a session of the House of Representatives on 8 May 2020. The voting day is 9 August 2020
The date of the presidential election in Belarus was set at a session of the House of Representatives on 8 May 2020. The voting day is 9 August 2020

The presidential election in Belarus will be held in August 2020. According to the Constitution, the head of state shall be elected for five years, and the election shall be held on Sunday no later than two months before the expiration of the term of the incumbent President, whose term of office starts from the moment of inauguration.

The current presidential election campaign is the sixth in the history of independent Belarus. Previous elections were held:

  • 23 June 1994 (runoff on 10 July)
  • 9 September 2001
  • 19 March 2006
  • 19 December 2010
  • 11 October 2015

Date of 2020 Belarusian Presidential Election

The election of the head of state will be held on 9 August 2020. This date was approved at a session of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus on 8 May.

Early voting in the 2020 presidential election will be held from 4 to 8 August.

Chairperson of the Central Election Commission Lidia Yermoshina noted that the 2020 election will be held in a different setting because of the coronavirus pandemic. The changes will affect all the participants of the campaign.

2020 election campaign: main stages

The Central Election Commission of Belarus approved the calendar plan of events of the presidential election. Traditionally the main stages are:

  • establishment of election commissions and polling stations;
  • nomination and registration of presidential candidates;
  • provision of information to voters and conduct of the election campaign;
  • voting, vote count and tabulation of results.

All the key dates and deadlines for each stage of the 2020 election campaign have been set in accordance with the Constitution and the Electoral Code.  

The latest updates on the election campaign, official figures and polls, expert opinion are available at Belarus President Election 2020.

Presidential candidates

A person, who is a natural-born citizen of the Republic of Belarus, who is 35 years old, who is eligible to vote, and who has resided in Belarus for at least 10 years prior to the election, can run for presidency.

To learn more about the nomination of candidates for the post of the President of Belarus, please click here.

20.05.2020  Belarus’ CEC registers 15 initiative groups

On 14 July the Central Election Commission of Belarus officially named the candidates for the post of the President of Belarus. Following the most important stages in the election race – the collection of voter signatures and their verification, and the submitting of necessary documents by the potential candidates – the Central Election Commission registered the presidential candidates who had collected at least 100,000 of valid voter signatures.

Candidates for Belarus’ presidency are:

  • Andrei Dmitriyev
  • Аnna Kanopatskaya
  • Aleksandr Lukashenko
  • Svetlana Tikhanovskaya
  • Sergei Cherechen

Observation of the presidential election in Belarus

Citizens of Belarus and invited representatives of other states and international organizations are entitled to monitor the election, provided they have accreditation in line with the specified working procedure for observers.

This year, observers will be required to follow recommendations of the Healthcare Ministry, including social distancing and the use of protective equipment.

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