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8 Dec 2023

Tajikistan ambassador speaks about major areas of cooperation with Belarus

Tajikistan ambassador speaks about major areas of cooperation with Belarus

MINSK, 8 December (BelTA) - Prospective areas of cooperation between Belarus and Tajikistan include joint productions and tourism development, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to Belarus Bakhtovar Safarzoda told the media after his meeting with Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalia Kochanova on 8 December, BelTA has learned.

Tajikistan and Belarus are linked not only by shared history but also by friendly relations between the peoples, and this is promoted by good relations between the leaders of the two states, Bakhtovar Safarzoda said.

According to him, the personal initiative of the heads of state and political will have brought the relations between Belarus and Tajikistan to the level of strategic partnership. The two countries have intensified political, economic, scientific, humanitarian, educational and cultural projects. The role of the parliaments of the two countries is significant in this regard as well.

The meeting also focused on new joint projects, such as the establishment of a Tajikistan Trade House in Minsk. “We plan to launch a new project – the Tajikistan Trade House in Belarus. This will help boost trade. It will be a coordination center for business structures of Belarus and Tajikistan,” the ambassador said.

According to Bakhtovar Safarzoda, Agrotekhservis operates in Tajikistan. More joint companies can be set up, he said. Tajikistan is interested in establishing ties and building joint corporations in the production of meat and dairy products and agricultural products.

There are also prospects for intensification of tourist flows. According to the ambassador, tourists from Tajikistan will be happy to explore vast Belarusian territories, forests and lakes, while tourists from Belarusians find mountains in Tajikistan interesting.

As for inter-parliamentary cooperation, according to the ambassador of Tajikistan, the parliaments of the two countries have a common stance on the development of model legislation. Thanks to this, the national legislations of the countries will be harmonized and brought closer together, and the regulation of interstate relations will be simplified, he said.

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