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Business news

20 Jan 2015

Lukashenko: Science-intensive industries should be the locomotive of Belarusian economy

MINSK, 20 January (BelTA) – The Internet, bio- and nanotechnologies, other science-intensive industries should become a locomotive of the Belarusian economy, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at the 42nd conference of the BRSM Youth Union on 20 January, BelTA has learned.

According to the head of state, successful development of these industries will have an influence on the wellbeing of our people and the authority of the state. He noted that we are proud of our software engineers who manuafcture innovative products that are popular on the international market. It took a few years to create the software industry in Belarus which is as good as in the leading countries of Europe and Asia. For example, resident companies of the Hi-Tech Park export almost 90% of products. This impressive achievement relies on the talent and perseverance of young software engineers who have a lot of ideas and are ready to work hard to implement them.

The President stressed that the future is in the hands of highly-qualified specialists who are concerned about the future of Belarus. “New hi-tech jobs have been created for you with the involvement of our foreign partners at the nuclear power plant in Ostrovets, at the industrial park Great Stone, at the new enterprise that makes electric trains, other facilities in the manufacturing sector, agricultural industry, energy sector. It is possible to find good well-paid jobs in the country today,” the President said.

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