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28 Jan 2015

Belarusian MTZ eager to resume deliveries to Iraq

MINSK, 28 January (BelTA) – Minsk Tractor Works (MTZ trademark) plans to resume vehicle deliveries to Iraq, representatives of the Belarusian automobile engineering company told BelTA.

“An Iraqi delegation led by President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of Iraq Jaafar Al-Hamadani visited MTZ some time ago. Representatives of the Iraqi side mentioned the strong interest in MTZ products and suggested setting up an assembly enterprise in Iraq,” BelTA has been told.

In turn, the Belarusian company is ready to supply both assembled tractors and assembly kits to Iraq. The company is now looking for partners in Iraq. “MTZ has also been invited to take part in the annual international trade show in Baghdad that will take place in August,” MTZ representatives told BelTA.

MTZ supplied no vehicles to Iraq in the last two years due to the complicated domestic political situation in Iraq and the lack of safe operating conditions. Before that MTZ had supplied tractors to Iraq occasionally. Iraq bought 57 MTZ vehicles in 2011 and 54 ones in 2012, explained the source.

At present there are 72,000 tractors in Iraq, with about 50% out of order due to various reasons.

Minsk Tractor Works (MTZ trademark) was founded in 1946. It is part of the system of enterprises run by the Belarusian Industry Ministry. The company offers over 60 models and modifications of tractors and vehicles with over 100 options for all kinds of climatic and operational conditions. For the last few years MTZ has kept an 8-10% share of the global market of wheeled tractors. MTZ operates in over 60 countries and has assembly enterprises in Russia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, Romania, Egypt, Serbia, Algeria, Venezuela, and other countries. The industrial group MTZ comprises 11 enterprises. In 2014 MTZ traded with 71 countries across the globe and exported about $690 million worth of merchandise.

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