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16 May 2024

NOC sees no obstacles to Belarus’ participation in 2024 Paris Games

NOC sees no obstacles to Belarus’ participation in 2024 Paris Games

MINSK, 16 May (BelTA) - The National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Belarus is not against the participation of Belarusian athletes in the 2024 Olympic Games under the current conditions, NOC President Viktor Lukashenko said at the National Athletes Forum on 16 May, BelTA has learned.

“At the moment we see no obstacles to the participation of Belarusian athletes in the Olympic Games. It is up to the athletes to decide - if they feel they are ready to perform, they can do it. It is a pity that the athletes will not perform under the national symbols, but they are Belarusians, and they will still sing the anthem in their heads and imagine their flag raised,” Viktor Lukashenko said. “As of today, we have won about 30 Olympic licenses. This was our plan, but perhaps we will earn some more. We are generally satisfied with the qualifying period, but there is no limit to perfection. The athletes who have earned Olympic berths have every great prospects of winning medals. We are not making plans, but we are optimistic about the future.”

The NOC president emphasized the importance of the National Athletes Forum, which kicked off in Minsk on 16 May.

“The discussion is interesting with a focus on topical issues. They cover the current situation in sport, the development of the Olympic movement, participation in international competitions and foreign leagues and many more. Athletes, coaches and officials can learn a lot, ask questions and compile plans for future work.

Viktor Lukashenko praised cooperation with his Russian colleagues. “Cooperation with Russian is very active. We conduct a lot of joint competitions, including children's tournaments. Competing with Russians on equal terms and beating them is a big challenge for us. Athletes have repeatedly noted that the number of competitions is sufficient and they are satisfied with all the conditions. We are satisfied with the level of cooperation and will continue to develop it.”

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