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23 May 2023

Lukashenko to medics: Every patient is important

Lukashenko to medics: Every patient is important

MINSK, 23 May (BelTA) – The number of reports is not the key indicator of effective performance of the healthcare system. The number of people, whose health and lives have been saved, is. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the relevant statement at a government conference held on 23 May to discuss the most pressing healthcare issues, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We totally don’t need bureaucratization in healthcare. The key indicator of effectiveness of your work is not the number of reports but the people you have helped keep their health and sometimes lives. There are no unimportant patients. Every patient is important.”

The president urged to pay close attention not only to treatment but also to early detection of diseases. It can help keep a person healthy in some cases. “What kind of ‘heroism’ is it if every fifth death has been caused by oncology since the beginning of the year? They are not your relatives. I can understand that. Why do they die? Because you didn’t do diagnostics in time. Because you didn’t go to people to find out what illness he or she has the way it was done in Soviet times. When we detect cancer at an early stage, people live for 8-10 years.”


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