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10 Jun 2022

Lukashenko: Belarusian state was created by people and for people

Lukashenko: Belarusian state was created by people and for people

MINSK, 10 June (BelTA) – The origins of Belarusian political traditions go back to the times of ancient veches, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the national seminar-conference to discuss new methods and forms of public communication at the grassroots level, BelTA has learned.

The head of state noted that for more than a quarter of a century Belarus has been consistently strengthening the vertical of power bottom up, bringing it as close as possible to the people.

“In other words, effective communication and a trust-based dialogue between the authorities and the public should be at the heart of the work of the administrative and managerial system. This is the ideal we should strive for. It fully chimes in with our political traditions, the origins of which emerged much earlier than in the contemporary history. Since the ancient times, the mentality of Belarusians has been defined by a strong sense of justice, collective thinking and mutual responsibility for the Fatherland. This is how the Belarusian nation was born. It rests on true democratic values,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized.

The president noted that all aristocratic regimes in Belarusian history - princely, gentry and royal - are strongly associated with oppression. “Contrary to that, the Belarusian state was created by the people and for the people and it remains this way. In other words, when it comes to new forms and methods of communication with the public at the local level, we must understand that the administrative vertical should by no means be set off against the people,” the head of state noted.

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