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11 Sep 2023

Ambassador: Türkiye and Belarus can reach $1.5 billion in trade

Ambassador: Türkiye and Belarus can reach $1.5 billion in trade

MINSK, 11 September (BelTA) – Türkiye and Belarus will undoubtedly reach $1.5 billion in trade, but so far this is hampered by external factors, Turkish Ambassador Mustafa Özcan told reporters after the meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Minsk on 11 September, BelTA has learned.

"As for trade, we will undoubtedly be able to reach $1.5 billion, but we must understand that there are external factors that, unfortunately, are not helping us. But we are ready to work together to find mutually acceptable solutions," the diplomat said.

He noted that Türkiye is very closely connected with the Western world and Western institutions, and this has to be taken into account when developing relations with other countries. "Belarus is a very good partner and friendly country for Türkiye. We are bound by many years of trust in each other and mutual respect. There are no problems between our countries. There are certain issues that we intend to solve together," Ambassador Mustafa Özcan emphasized.

As a positive example of the development of relations with Belarus, he cited the the joint Turkish-Belarusian research center that will open in Minsk soon. It will be working on projects in culture and science. The Ambassador thanked the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for the assistance in this matter.

The leaders of the two countries agreed to gradually increase trade to $1.5 billion during the visit of Aleksandr Lukashenko to Türkiye in 2019.

In 2022, Belarus-Türkiye trade exceeded $1 billion. In January-July 2023, it came close to $675 million.

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