The representatives of the Belarusian museum visited the castles Chambord, Rochecotte, Montresor, and Chantilly from 16 to 22 February and held negotiations with their administrations. The sides agreed to exchange exhibits and delegations of experts.
The Belarusian delegation also met with great granddaughters of Maria Dorota de Talleyrand de Castellane Radziwill. The Nesvizh museum was also presented a book from the Rochecotte castle.
The visit of the Belarusian delegation was organized with the support of the Belarusian Embassy in France, Belarusian artist Irina Kotova who lives in France, and French writer Christophe Levalois currently working on a book about the biography of Maria de Castellane Radziwill. The book is expected to be published by the Nesvizh National Museum of History and Culture in 2015.