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Old yet young: Ostrovets marks 550th anniversary

Old yet young: Ostrovets marks 550th anniversary
25 Aug 2018

The city of Ostrovets is located along the river and derives its name from the fortified coastal island (ostrov in Russian). Its history is truly remarkable. It can be called “the youngest city in Belarus” (this status was given to it just six years ago) and one of the oldest as it was first mentioned in historical chronicles 550 years ago! The project to build the Belarusian nuclear power plant gave the city the strongest ever boon to development. Located two dozen kilometers away from the city, the BelNPP project is turning the city into a major center of Belarusian scientists.

New residential areas and socially important infrastructure objects are currently under construction in the city. Many more new facilities opened in the city just in time for the anniversary. Among them is a modern sports and wellness center with a swimming pool, fire-rescue station No. 3, the sculpture dedicated to the silver trout, which decorates the coat of arms of Ostrovets.

The events began on 25 August with morning services in the local Orthodox and Catholic churches, and then continued with a commemorative ceremony at the Memorial to the Heroes who died in the Great Patriotic War and to fallen internationalist soldiers. The events proceeded with a silver trout monument dedication ceremony. The local water bodies are the only place where this Salmonidae fish, which is included in the Red Book of Endangered Species of Belarus, return to breed.

In the central square the Ostrovets District authorities welcomed residents and guests of the city and honored local workers for professional excellence. The square also featured an unusual interactive area with a giant erector set and atomic chronograph: anyone had a chance to step in the shoes of nuclear scientists and construct a cooling tower like the one in the Belarusian nuclear power plant, and to participate in the ‘nuclear’ games. Catamaran and sailboat races took place on the Losha River near the Island of Love. The summer sky was filled with light colorful kites and hang-gliders. The scale of the developing Ostrovets could be viewed from a helicopter.

Thousands of people gathered to watch a gala concert which kicked off with the performance of a military band and the border guards of honor. The concert featured well-known Belarusian singers and performers, including the National Academic Folk Music Choir of the Republic of Belarus named after G.I.Tsitovich, the folk group Skarbnitsa, the string band Kontrasty, the folk group PAWA, singer Dmitry Koldun. The celebrations wrapped up with a spectacular display of fireworks, fire and laser shows.

Ostrovets’ 550th anniversary celebrations in pictures!

New fire station opens in Ostrovets
New fire station opens in Ostrovets
New fire station opens in Ostrovets
New fire station opens in Ostrovets
New fire station opens in Ostrovets
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