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| Home | News | Photo | 100 years of securing the nation’s border: the Belarusian border service celebrates 100th anniversary since its establishment

Border service's 100th anniversary celebrations in Minsk

Border service's 100th anniversary celebrations in Minsk
28 May 2018

Today those, who protect Belarus’ borders, celebrate an impressive jubilee and a professional holiday – Border Guard Day. Exactly 100 years ago – on 28 May 1918 – the decree on instituting the border guard service was signed to initiate the formation of the second (Vitebsk) border guard district, the only one in Belarus at that time. The year 1995 was another important milestone. 26 May was instituted as Border Guard Day by the relevant presidential decree.

Festivities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Belarusian border servicebegan the day before: a large-scale show was available in Minsk’s Gorky Park on 27 May. Minsk residents and visitors could see an impressive platz concert of the guard of honor company. A closer look into the daily life of the Belarusian border service was offered as canine service specialists demonstrated their skills, weapons, ground combat vehicles, and motor boats were shown. A historical reconstruction of knight tournaments was arranged as well as other events.

The official part of the celebration will take place in Minsk today. Top brass of the State Border Committee of Belarus and border service veterans will lay flowers at the Victory Monument while active border service specialists will pay a tribute of respect to the fallen warriors on the Island of Courage and Sorrow. The relay race 100 Years of Guarding the Fatherland Borders will begin the same day: over the course of one month the group will visit all the units of the Belarusian border service (over 40 populated localities!). The relay race will end in the Brest Hero Fortress on the historic day – 22 June.

The celebration of the great jubilee of the Belarusian border service is covered by our report.

Border service's 100th anniversary celebrations in the Gorky Park
Border service's 100th anniversary celebrations in the Gorky Park
Border service's 100th anniversary celebrations in the Gorky Park
Border service's 100th anniversary celebrations in the Gorky Park
Border service's 100th anniversary celebrations in the Gorky Park
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