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Celebrations in honor of Day of State Emblem and State Flag of Belarus

Celebrations in honor of Day of State Emblem and State Flag of Belarus
13 May 2018

One of the most important national holidays – Day of State Emblem and State Flag of the Republic of Belarus – was celebrated on 13 May, the second Sunday of the month. The key symbols of the sovereign and independent country were instituted as a result of the referendum held on 14 May 1995. And State Flag Square was opened in Minsk in 2013. It has already become one of the most recognizable places of interest and a venue for various celebrations. A 70-meter flagpole with a huge waving banner (it weighs 25kg and occupies 98m2) is in the center of the square. The square is surrounded by plinths with a bronze state emblem, the text of the national anthem, and a map of the country as well as steles with the emblems of the capital city and all the oblasts of the country.

Today the state symbols embody Belarus’ independence, reflect its historical and cultural traditions, and represent a token of accomplishments and victories secured by outstanding Belarusians in various walks of life. In his congratulatory address to compatriots Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko noted that “the flag and the anthem are more than symbols. They represent a visiting card of the peace-loving policy of the Republic of Belarus, which standing in the international scene is beyond dispute.”

The main celebrations took place in Minsk’s center: in the early morning about 500 school students gathered in State Flag Square for the children and youth campaign We Are Proud of Our Motherland. It is there that young leaders from all parts of the city joined ranks of the pioneer organization and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM): Chairman of the Council of the Minsk City Organization of Veterans Anatoly Adonyev tied red-and-green ties on the necks of the young Minsk residents and presented membership cards in presence of representatives of government agencies, the youth, and war veterans…

The campaign We Are Proud of Our Motherland in State Flag Square in Minsk
State Flag Square
The campaign We Are Proud of Our Motherland in State Flag Square in Minsk
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