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| Home | News | Photo | Official visit of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko to Sudan

Meeting with mass media representatives after the talks with Sudan President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir

Meeting with mass media representatives after the talks with Sudan President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir
17 Jan 2017

After the official talks Alexander Lukashenko thanked Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir for the warm welcome and invited the President of Sudan to visit Belarus. The invitation was accepted with gratitude.

Belarus, Sudan to work out practice-oriented roadmap to enhance cooperation

Khartoum, сapital of the Republic of the Sudan
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has arrived in Sudan on an official visit
Ceremony of official welcome for Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko in Khartoum
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and Sudan President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and Sudan President Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir hold a one-on-one meeting
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