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| Home | News | Photo | Shchedry Vecher celebrations in Belarus: folk traditions, Kalyada merrymaking and fortune-telling

Shchedry Vecher celebrations in Belarus: folk traditions, Kalyada merrymaking and fortune-telling

Shchedry Vecher celebrations in Belarus: folk traditions, Kalyada merrymaking and fortune-telling
13 Jan 2017

Kolyada fortune-telling

Christmastide, or Kolyada, is celebrated in Belarus on 7-19 January. This is the best time for fortune-telling. It is believed that all predictions made in the early hours of 14 January will come true.

In the photo: students Irina Aplevich, Natalya Leoshko, Alika Radevich attempt predictions

Kolyada fortune-telling
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