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19th-century Gate in Dukora

19th-century Gate in Dukora
25 May 2016

The Dukora estate dates back to the 16th century. In different times it was owned by famous dynasties of the Kezgaylos, Sapiehas, Zawiszas, Oginskis… However, the estate saw its best days at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries thanks to Colonel of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Franciszek Oshtorp and his son Leon, State Advisor and Commander of the Order of Malta. A magnificent classicism-style palace was built in Dukora. A park was created around the palace, with scenic ponds beautifying it. A shady alley led to the estate. An unusual gate tower was built at the front entry. It featured a clock, a bell and a wind vane decorated with armorial banners.

The social life was vibrant. The estate had an orchestra and a circus, hosted exuberant balls. The owners took pride in a library of several thousands of rare books, valuable luxury items, and a unique collection of paintings of horses the Dukora stud farm was famous for…

Dukorski Maentak Museum
Dukorski Maentak Museum
Dukorski Maentak Museum
Dukorski Maentak Museum
Street Artisans
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