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Motherhood in Belarus

Motherhood in Belarus
14 Oct 2015

Giving birth to children and the happiness of motherhood are the ever-lasting values that do not require evidence and explanation. But, no doubt, they are much easier to achieve if women have access to necessary social assistance and upscale medicine, have guaranteed rights owing to which they can have a family and be successful in their careers…  In Belarus, a country that seeks to increase the population and ensure the demographic security, the motherhood and childhood, and the family traditions and social support have been the important state priorities for many years already.

Today the reputable international organizations recognize the achievements in this area. According to the index that ranks the best and worst places to be a mother, Belarus is the 25th among 176 countries and first in the CIS. According to the United Nations, Belarus is the 53rd in terms of human development. The WHO includes Belarus in the top 50 in terms of maternity care and births attended by skilled health personnel. Regarding the availability of medical assistance Belarus shares the first place with Canada and Brunei.

Over the past ten years the infant mortality rate in Belarus has nearly halved, making 3.5 deaths per 1,000 live births today, which is the lowest in the CIS. Belarusian doctors save the babies born after 22 weeks and weighing 500 grams. In addition, the country is among the leaders in terms of the reduction of maternal mortality: during the past two years there have been no fatalities at all. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko spoke about these successes at the plenary meeting of the UN Summit on Sustainable Development in September.

In Belarus more than 100,000 women become mothers every year, which is more than in many European states. The country provides support to families with children, families with many children, guardian and foster families. Belarus is among the top performers on the duration of paid maternity leave: the country offers 63 days before and 63 days after childbirth and a 3-year job-protected maternity leave (with the payment of benefits). In 2015 Belarus launched a family capital program, under which the families who give birth to the third and subsequent children are entitled to a $10,000 bonus. This makes another important contribution towards increasing the birthrate in the country.

The national demographic program includes such areas as Birth Rate and Reproductive Behavior, Family and Childhood. The program also envisages numerous nationwide projects and campaigns dedicated to maternity and childhood…

Our picture gallery to mark Mother’s Day in Belarus on 14 October features just a few of stills with moms and their children and also the momentous events of 2015…

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