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100th anniversary of the National Library of Belarus

100th anniversary of the National Library of Belarus
15 Sep 2022

The main book treasuryof the country celebrates its centennial anniversary in 2022. The holdings of the National Library include 9 million copies, including rare and old printed books.

The program of the celebrations features interesting events: a postal sheet dedication ceremony, the 9th international congress "Library as a Phenomenon of Culture", the Book Age exhibition in Dobrush, ceremonies to launch the editions “Librarianship in Belarus in persons", "Librarianship of Belarus in documents" and a traveling photo exhibition "National Library of Belarus: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" in the CIS countries.

On picture: during an excursion at the National Library of Belarus 

National Library of Belarus
100th anniversary of the National Library of Belarus
100th anniversary of the National Library of Belarus
National Library of Belarus
100th anniversary of the National Library of Belarus
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