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St Nicholas Day in Mogilev Oblast

St Nicholas Day in Mogilev Oblast
24 May 2021

Since old days farmers have turned to St Nicholas the Wonderworker asking him to protect livestock and crops. Farmers believed in St Nicholas's miracles and in the protection of the saint. St Nicholas Day was considered an important date in the agricultural calendar as St Nicholas has been a highly revered saint among Orthodox believers. The saint became a kind of "heir" to the pagan god Veles, the patron of agriculture and cattle. Rain on this day means a good harvest.

The ancient rite is being revived by the Mezhisetki rural community center, Mogilev Oblast.  

St Nicholas Day in Mogilev Oblast
St Nicholas Day in Mogilev Oblast
St Nicholas Day in Mogilev Oblast
St Nicholas Day in Mogilev Oblast
St Nicholas Day in Mogilev Oblast
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