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Waiting for the miracle: Our Children charity campaign kicks off in Belarus

Waiting for the miracle: Our Children charity campaign kicks off in Belarus
9 Dec 2019

Our Children, a nationwide charity campaign, was launched at the National Art Center for Children and Youth in Minsk on 9 December. The charity campaign will run through 10 January 2020. During the campaign, heads of government agencies, including local executive officials, will visit orphanages and foster homes, families who raise children with disabilities, rehabilitation centers and facilities for children with special needs, as well as hospitals. They will wish children Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, give them gifts and help resolve their issues. Public associations will also join the campaign.

Our Children nationwide campaign in the Begoml orphanage
Our Children nationwide campaign in the Begoml orphanage
Our Children charity campaign in the Rudensk orphanage
Viktor Sheiman visits the Rudensk orphanage as part of Our Children charity campaign
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