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Belarus president team wins Christmas tournament final

Belarus president team wins Christmas tournament final
8 Jan 2019

The intrigue of the famous tournament, which is regarded as the unofficial world championship among amateur ice hockey players, was solved on the Christmas night of 7 January. Belarus president team won the 12th title in the final match against Team Russia.

Best moments of the match, emotions of the players and fans, awards ceremony are in our report from Chizhovka Arena.

Alexander Lukashenko awards the tournament’s best defenseman Daniel Corso (Belarus)
Alexander Lukashenko awards the tournament’s top scorer Pavel Bely (Belarus)
Alexander Lukashenko awards Alexei Yegorov (Russia), the best goalkeeper of the Christmas tournament, and Nikita Volsky (Griffons, Minsk), the best goalkeeper of the Golden Puck tournament
Alexander Lukashenko awards Toni Makiaho (Finland), the best forward of the Christmas tournament
Alexander Lukashenko poses for a photo with Griffons team
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