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| Home | News | Photo | Grodno marks 890th anniversary: international bike ride, cheese festival and ‘power’ record for the native town

Anniversary gifts: binoculars for city viewing and a photo zone in Grodno

Anniversary gifts: binoculars for city viewing and a photo zone in Grodno
11 Sep 2018

The new photo zone “GRODNO. 890 YEARS” was installed near the Drama Theater. The binoculars were unveiled on the sightseeing platform on Darwin Street. This site offers a breathtaking view of the Old Castle and the New Castle, local churches and the Neman River.

Native Land of Big Cheese festival in Grodno
Grodno celebrates its 890th anniversary
Grodno Mayor Mechislav Goi is writing a message for the city
Grodno celebrates its 890th anniversary
Grodno City Day
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