Thousands of colorful lights have set the city upon Sozh ablaze: tiny yet bright bulbs spread the New Year mood from street to street, from house to house. They march in columns in the city’s squares. They curve in fancy arcs in the parks. They embellish Gomel’s central avenues like exquisite crowns.
Embellished with symbols of different countries, the Andrei Gromyko Public Garden attracts crowds of Gomel residents and visitors, who can get surprised by the architecture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, can see illumination on the Eiffel Tower, take a photo near the red walls of the Kremlin. The city residents and guests can also walk around the Great Wall of China and hear the Big Ben strike the time. Everything is possible in one day in Gomel on New Year’s Eve.
A journey around the fairy-tale city of Gomel in our New Year photo report!