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From Christmas to Epiphany: Belarus celebrates Kolyady

From Christmas to Epiphany: Belarus celebrates Kolyady
13 Jan 2018

The 12 days of Christmas, which bridge the birth of Christ with Epiphany, have for ages been a special period filled with beautiful rites. The latter are closely entwined with religious traditions. Needless to say, Kolyady remain among the most favorite holidays in winter. During Kolyady, people use to visit each other and spread Christmas cheer, help those in need, rejoice, gather noisy processions, and even try fortune-telling.

Ancient and often absolutely unique folk rites have not fallen into oblivion in Belarus. Moreover, they get more traction across the country every year. For instance, citizens of the famous village of Semezhevo performed the Kolyady Tsars rite from the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage on 13 January. People in Vitebsk Oblast play the folk game Tereshka's Wedding. Pull the Kolyada Up the Oak rite is performed near Berezino. Another ritual named Brotherly Candle has been revived in Stolin District: on Old New Year’s Eve, men gather in a house and make a big candle to be donated to a local church to ask God for rich harvest. There are plenty of other interesting, amazing, and inspiring traditions in Belarus!

Find out more about the 2018 Kolyady celebrations in Belarus in our photo story!

Christmas caroling at Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Lifestyle in Strochitsy on 7 January
Christmas caroling at Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Lifestyle in Strochitsy on 7 January
Christmas caroling at Museum of Folk Architecture and Rural Lifestyle in Strochitsy on 7 January
A Pull the Kolyada Up the Oak rite
Kolyady in Strochitsy: holiday table settings, straw amulet making workshop
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