The coronavirus, which was first spotted in late 2019 and has already become the top news of 2020, continues to change the lives of people, countries and the entire globe. It brings to light problems and demonstrates achievements of healthcare systems, puts pressure on economy and politics, generates flows of both true and fake news in the media, reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the society in general and, of course, every person in particular. The scale of the SARS-CoV-2 impact is yet to be assessed. At present, every country with coronavirus cases is fighting to avoid a worse scenario and overcome this challenge with minimal losses in all areas.
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic will pass. It is important to find the most effective, appropriate measures and get through this difficult time without panic.
Belarus has not shut its borders or introduced a strict quarantine. However, it has been taking serious measures since the start of the outbreak to combat COVID-19. These measures are developed in line with recommendations of experts, WHO and in view of the changing situation. The possibility of tight restrictions is also not ruled out.
The flow of patients in medical institutions is separated since there are multiple other diseases in addition to virus ones. Indoor premises and public transport are thoroughly disinfected. Strict control procedures are in place at the border and in transport corridors. Personal hygiene, use of all available means of protection, social distancing, a break from visits to public places, self-isolation, work from home, online learning, help to people from vulnerable categories…All these measures are aimed at fighting COVID-19 and the panic that will not help resolve the problem.
The key thing many people remember today or learn how to do for the first time is not how to thoroughly wash their hands but to pay attention to each other, how not to expose each other to danger, and how to provide comprehensive support.
All of that is covered by stories from various parts of Belarus.