Implementation period: 5 years
Applicant: secondary school No. 3, Krupki
Project goals:
- to create conditions for health promotion of schoolchildren by raising the quality and affordability of physical education and sport, conditions for disease prevention and academic progress;
- to implement a state policy plan in physical education for school students
Target group: children aged 6-17 years (300 children)
Project objectives:
- To reduce the number of juvenile crimes and administrative offenses;
- to raise interest in physical education and sport;
- to engage more children in physical activity and sport;
- to enable children to organize their own sports and recreation events.
Brief description of project activities:
- To build a modern integrated sports ground at a school stadium.
Total amount of financing (USD): $40,000
Sources of financing:
Project site: 6 Chernyakhovskogo Street, Krupki, Minsk Oblast
Contact person: E. Baranchuk
Phone: 801796 54098