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6 Oct 2023

Vice president of Iran to visit Belarus soon

Vice president of Iran to visit Belarus soon
Ali Bagheri Kani

MINSK, 6 October (BelTA) – The vice president of the Islamic Republic of Iran is expected to visit Belarus in the near future, Iranian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani told the STV TV channel, BelTA reports.

“The visit of the vice president of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Belarus is going to take place soon. The intergovernmental commission on economic issues will also convene in the near future. Thus, the industry minister of Belarus will visit Iran soon. Today, the foreign minister of Belarus officially invited our foreign minister. The visit will be scheduled through diplomatic channels,” said Ali Bagheri Kani.

A reminder, following negotiations in Tehran in March 2023, the presidents of Belarus and Iran signed a four-year comprehensive cooperation agreement. It provides for close interaction in politics, economy, science and technology, as well as education, culture, media and tourism.

Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik met with Iranian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani on 5 October. Sergei Aleinik and Ali Bagheri Kani discussed the current state and prospects of future advancement of Belarus-Iran relations as well as plans concerning the organization of bilateral events at various levels soon.

Apart from that, opinions were exchanged on topical items on the regional agenda and the international one.

Close attention was paid to interaction and mutual support within the framework of international organizations, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS.

The Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted Belarus-Iran consultations on general political matters the same day. The Belarusian side was headed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Evgeny Shestakov and the Iranian side was headed by Ali Bagheri Kani. The sides discussed a broad range of matters on the Belarus-Iran political, economic, and humanitarian agendas. Among other things under discussions was progress in realizing the agreements reached at the high and highest levels. Promising avenues of interaction and the exchange of visits were also looked into.


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