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6 Jul 2023

Lukashenko confirms redeployment of nuclear warheads to Belarus ‘not by land’

Lukashenko confirms redeployment of nuclear warheads to Belarus ‘not by land’

MINSK, 6 July (BelTA) – Nuclear warheads have been transported to Belarus. And they were not delivered by land. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement as he met with reporters of foreign and Belarusian mass media, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “The matter [of nuclear weapons] is not a decent matter for any politician to talk about. A certain number of nuclear warheads have been transported to Belarus’ territory. They are under reliable security.”

The head of state remarked that naturally the self-exiled opposition had been unable to track the transportation of the nuclear warheads (although it seems they had wanted to very much). They have started speculating about how these munitions had been delivered by rail and have even made a connection between the delivery and the untimely demise of the Belarusian transport and communications minister.

Speaking about the means of delivery, Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “I will give you a deadly fact: we did not transport the nuclear warheads by land. We didn’t interfere with anyone. We transported them in a way that neither you nor the United States of America, nor MI6, nor Germany, nor anyone else had noticed it. That was the idea.”

Speaking about control over the storage of nuclear weapons, Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that it is ideal and that Belarusians and Russians jointly take care of it. “Because we, the current composition of Belarus’ Armed Forces cannot service nuclear weapons on our own because we haven’t had them. It is a very serious thing. This is why we do everything together with the Russian Federation these days.”

Commenting on all kinds of speculations about who will make the decision on using the nuclear weapons after all – the leadership of Belarus or Russia, Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out that even in the course of working on less important operations than the use of nuclear weapons, leaders of the two countries phone each other, meet with each other, and discuss things dozens of times. “Even if Russia decided to use nuclear weapons, I am convinced it would consult with its closest ally. And even more so with us,” he said.

Speaking about the use of nuclear weapons, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Belarus is not going to attack anyone with the help of nuclear weapons. They are designed purely for defensive purposes. “If you commit an aggression against Belarus, the response will be instantaneous. Targets have been chosen,” he said.

“If I don’t want something or if our nation, our state doesn’t want something, then it won’t happen,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said to clarify how the decision on using the nuclear weapons will be made.

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