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3 Jul 2023

Foreign leaders congratulate Lukashenko, people of Belarus on Independence Day

Foreign leaders congratulate Lukashenko, people of Belarus on Independence Day

MINSK, 3 July (BelTA) - Foreign leaders have sent greetings to President Lukashenko and the people of Belarus on the occasion of Independence Day, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko and the Belarusian people have received congratulations on Independence Day from the leaders of foreign states, international organizations and integration associations, political and public figures.

The heads of state and the Belarusian people have received greetings from the leaders of Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Palestine, Tanzania, and the Order of Malta.

Congratulations also came from UN Secretary General António Guterres, State Secretary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia Dmitry Mezentsev, CIS Secretary General Sergei Lebedev, CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov, Director General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Qu Dongyu.

"This holiday is of particular importance not only for Belarusians, but also for Russians, as it is associated with a significant event in our common history - the liberation of Minsk from the Nazi invaders. The bonds of fraternal friendship and mutual assistance, hardened during the harsh war years, remain a reliable foundation for the allied Russian-Belarusian relations. This is fully confirmed today, when our countries are confronting very serious external threats and challenges together. I am confident that by systemically building up constructive bilateral ties in all areas, strengthening the institutions of the Union State, we will be able to overcome any difficulties and defend the legitimate interests of our countries on the international arena," Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his congratulatory message.

The Russian leader wished Aleksandr Lukashenko good health and success, and the fraternal people of Belarus - prosperity and happiness.

President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping conveyed his heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Aleksandr Lukashenko and the friendly Belarusian people. "Under your strong leadership, the nation-building in various fields in your country is developing dynamically, which China, being an all-weather and comprehensive strategic partner, sincerely welcomes. China resolutely supports Belarus’ development path, which corresponds to its own national features, and the measures taken by the government of your country to promote state development,” the message of congratulations said. "I attach great importance to the development of Chinese-Belarusian relations and I am ready to work with you to bring Chinese-Belarusian relations to a healthy and stable development at a high level."

UN Secretary General António Guterres conveyed his warmest congratulations to the people of Belarus on the occasion of Independence Day: "All the challenges of the modern world, from poverty and inequality to violent conflicts and climate change, require joint action based on solidarity, mutual respect and understanding. A better future requires every country to look beyond its national borders and support efforts to promote peace, human rights, prosperity and sustainable development for all people, regardless of where they live. The United Nations joins the people of the Republic of Belarus in celebrating your special day and looks forward to continuing our work together to ensure a better, healthier and safer future for people and the planet."

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wished Aleksandr Lukashenko happiness and health, and the friendly people of Belarus - prosperity and well-being.

In his congratulatory message, Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev noted that this year the parties celebrated the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations: "It is gratifying that in a short period of time by historical standards, we managed not only to preserve and build on the positive results of the common past, but also to reach a qualitatively new level of cooperation. We attach special importance to the development of Azerbaijani-Belarusian cooperation in all areas of mutual interest for our countries. I am convinced that by joint efforts we will strengthen the traditional friendly relations and strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Belarus in the interests of our peoples and countries."

"On the occasion of your country's Independence Day, I am pleased to express my sincere congratulations and good wishes for good health and happiness to Your Excellency, and further progress and prosperity to the government and friendly people of the Republic of Belarus," King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia said in a congratulatory message.

Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed his conviction that through joint efforts, bilateral cooperation between Uzbekistan and Belarus will be brought to a higher level and will be filled with qualitatively new content: "I note with satisfaction the further deepening of Uzbekistan-Belarus multifaceted relations in recent years. Fruitful exchanges and intensive contacts continue, the scale of industrial cooperation is expanding, and mutual trade is growing steadily. Important cultural, humanitarian and educational projects are being implemented."

President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan stressed that strategic relations with Belarus have always been an important foreign policy priority for his country: "We are satisfied with the constructive atmosphere of bilateral relations in all avenues of interaction and the dynamic development of our mutually beneficial partnership that meets the fundamental interests of the two nations. I am convinced that the practical implementation of the agreements reached earlier, including within the framework of your successful visit to Tajikistan last year, will give a new impetus to fruitful Tajikistan-Belarus cooperation focused on the long term."

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro reaffirmed his sincere desire to develop cooperation with Belarus in the name of the well-being and prosperity of the two nations. "On this symbolic and significant date, we are happy to celebrate the sovereignty and independence of Belarus, a friendly country and the most ardent supporter of a multipolar and polycentric world," the message said.

The congratulatory message from the leadership of Nicaragua was signed by President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo: "On this historic date, please accept our fraternal and revolutionary embrace and allow us to reaffirm our commitment to continuing to strengthen our bonds of friendship, solidarity and fraternal cooperation that unite our peoples and governments."

Kyrgyzstan President Sadyr Japarov noted that during the period of its independence, Belarus has successfully overcome the crisis in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, preserved and increased its scientific, industrial, cultural and human potential. "I am convinced that joint work to strengthen and expand the entire spectrum of Kyrgyzstan-Belarus cooperation will continue and will contribute to the prosperity of our countries and peoples," the message reads.

Egypt President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi wished prosperity and success to the friendly people of Belarus. "Our states proudly demonstrate a high level of bilateral relations, which are distinguished by mutual respect and cooperation in various fields. I hope that the dynamically developing contacts between our friendly states will continue to be consistently strengthened thanks to our joint work and fruitful interaction for the benefit of our peoples," the Egyptian leader said.

Turkmenistan President Serdar Berdimuhamedow wished peace, well-being and prosperity to the people of Belarus: "We are convinced that friendly relations between Turkmenistan and Belarus will continue to steadily develop and grow stronger for the benefit of our peoples."

In his congratulatory message President Vo Van Thuong of Vietnam noted that his country is always closely watching and glad to welcomes Belarus’ important successes in its development: "I am glad to see that recently the relations of traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation between Vietnam and Belarus have been further developed, and I am convinced that with the determination of the leaders and peoples of the two countries, our bilateral relations will achieve new heights for the benefit of the two countries, peoples, in the name of peace, stability and development in the region and throughout the world. Taking this opportunity, I would like to wish prosperity to the Belarusian state and happiness to the Belarusian people."

In his congratulatory message on Independence Day Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa stressed that Aleksandr Lukashenko's historic visit to this country at the beginning of the year gave a significant impetus to cooperation: "I look forward to continuing to work with you to deepen and expand our bilateral relations by increasing the number of mutual visits at various levels, creating joint ventures in various sectors of the economy and promoting trade for the benefit of our countries and peoples. I also look forward to continuing our close cooperation in multilateral organizations where we share a mutual aspiration for a just international order based on the principles of multipolarity and the sovereign equality of states."

In his congratulatory message, President Joko Widodo of Indonesia expressed his satisfaction with the friendly nature of relations with Belarus and expressed his commitment to continuing close cooperation. "As we also celebrate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year, I am confident that our friendly relations will benefit our peoples and contribute to stability at the regional and global level," he said.

Mongolia President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh wished prosperity to the friendly people of Belarus: "It is pleasant to note that traditionally friendly relations and cooperation between Mongolia and Belarus are actively developing in trade, economy, agriculture and light industry. I am sure that our further cooperation will be growing stronger." He also invited Aleksandr Lukashenko to visit Mongolia, noting that high-level visits are important for expanding and strengthening bilateral relations.

Chairman of Myanmar’s State Administration Council Min Aung Hlaing wished Aleksandr Lukashenko success in his activities for the benefit of progress and prosperity of Belarus. "It is with great satisfaction that I note that cooperation between Myanmar and Belarus is steadily developing in all areas of mutual interest. I am confident that with the opening of the Consulate General of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Minsk, the interaction between our states will become even more effective," he said.

Tanzania President Samia Suluhu Hassan noted that Tanzania and Belarus have maintained warm bilateral relations for many years. "I am confident that our long-standing relationship will continue to strengthen and diversify in the coming decades," the message said.

Congratulatory messages to the president and the Belarusian people continue to come in.

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