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7 Jul 2023

Central election commissions of Belarus, Uzbekistan to sign cooperation agreement

Central election commissions of Belarus, Uzbekistan to sign cooperation agreement
Photo courtesy of the CEC

MINSK, 7 July (BelTA) – Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus Igor Karpenko is taking part in the observation of the early presidential election in Uzbekistan. On 7 July he met with Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan Zainiddin Nizomkhodzhaev, BelTA has learned.

The parties discussed cooperation between the central election commissions of Belarus and Uzbekistan. They agreed to sign a cooperation agreement in the near future to formalize long-term professional and friendly relations between the central election commissions.

“Today we have discussed the draft agreement. I think we will find the time and place to sign it. This will contribute to the further development of bilateral contacts between the central election commissions of Belarus and Uzbekistan,” said Igor Karpenko.

During the meeting, Zainiddin Nizomkhodzhaev informed Igor Karpenko about the organizational and technical aspects of preparations for the early presidential election in Uzbekistan.

On 8 July Uzbekistan will host the first meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of Electoral Bodies. The council was established to exchange expertise and knowledge in ensuring electoral rights and freedoms of citizens, improving the legal framework of the conduct of elections and referendums in accordance with national legislations and international commitments of the CIS member states.

“We will discuss the format of work. We will need to adopt appropriate regulations. Yet, this does not exclude interaction within the framework of bilateral agreements,” Igor Karpenko emphasized.

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