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9 Oct 2023

Belarus hosts over 346,000 visa-waiver travelers since year-start

Belarus hosts over 346,000 visa-waiver travelers since year-start
An archive photo

MINSK, 9 October (BelTA) – Since the start of the year, Belarus has welcomed 346,772 residents of the neighboring EU states, BelTA learned from the State Border Committee of Belarus.

This included 211,068 citizens of Lithuania, 79,286 citizens and 24,384 non-citizens of Latvia, and 32,034 Polish citizens.

Some 731,758 people from the neighboring EU countries have visited Belarus since the launch of the visa-waiver program, including 459,331 citizens of Lithuania, 51,263 non-citizens and 167,420 citizens of Latvia, and 53,744 Polish citizens.

More information about visa-free entry to Belarus is available on the website of the State Border Committee of Belarus and the mobile app Belarusian Border.

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