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| Home | Government | Elections | Belarus President Election 2015 | Polling stations abroad

Polling stations abroad

Forty-nine poling stations have been set up for Belarusian citizens living outside the country. Thus they will be able to cast their vote in favor of one of the candidates for the post of head of state.

Number of the polling station

Address Diplomatic mission Phone
77. Hüttelbergstrasse 6
1140 Wien,Österreich

Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Austria

8 10 43 1 419 96 30 11
78. Azәrbaycan
Baki AZ 1025,
Xәtai, Nәcәfqulu Raqfiyev küçәsı, 8
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Azerbaijan 8 10 994 12 4895680
79. 2210, Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն, Կոտայքի մարզ, գ.Առինջ, Մ.Բաղրամյան փ., տուն 9, 9/1

Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Armenia

8 10 374 10 610073
80. Avenue Molière 192
1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles), Belgique
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Kingdom of Belgium 8 10 32 2 340 02 73
8 10 32 477 99 56 80
81. ул. "Н. Караджов" № 3
1505 г.София, България

Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Bulgaria

8 10 359 2 971 95 28
82. 6 Kensington Court
London W8 5DL, UK
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 8 10 44 207 938 5981
83. Virág Benedek utca 37,
1037 Budapest, Magyarország
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Hungary 8 10 36 30 7543959
84. Quinta Campanera
Tercera transversal (calle Aveledo),
con avenida 07, de la Urbanizacion los Chorros, Municipio Sucre, Caracas, Miranda, 1071, República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 8 10 584123212003
85. Am Treptower Park 31 – 32
12435 Berlin, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Federal Republic of Germany 8 10 493053635922
86. Schwanseestrasse 91a, D-81549 München, Bundesrepublik Deutschland Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Munich (Germany) 8 10 4989649570316
87. 3 Reines str.
64381 Tel-Aviv, Israel, P.O.B. 11129
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the State of Israel 8 10 97235231258
88. F-6/8B, Vasant Vihar, 110057, New Delhi, India Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of India 8 10 91 11 40529338
89. Via Delle Alpi Apuane, 16
00141 Roma, Italia
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Italy 8 10 393298836285
90. Via Fatebenefratelli 15,
20121, Milano, Italia

Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Milan (Italy)

8 10 39026595363
91. Кенесары көшесi, 35
010000, Астана қаласы, Қазақстан
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Kazakhstan 8 10 7 7172 32 48 49
92. 130 Albert Street, 6 floor, apt. 600
Ottawa, Canada
of the Republic of Belarus
in Canada
8 10 613 233 99 94
93. China, Beijing, Ri Tan Lu, Dong
Yi Jie, № 1, 100600
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the People’s Republic of China 8 10 8610 6532 6426
94. Yan An West Road, building 2299, office 1702, Shanghai,People’s Republic of China, postal code 200336

Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Shanghai (China)

8 10 8621 62360086
95. Ave/ 5ta, № 6405, e/ 64 y 66,
Miramar, Playa, La Habana, Cuba

Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Cuba

8 10 53 72047330
96. Jēzusbaznīcas iela 12
Rīga, LV 1050, Latvija

Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Latvia

8 10 371 67204540
97. 18.Novembra iela, 44
Daugavpils LV 5403, Latvija
Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Daugavpils (Latvia) 8 10 371 65424262
98. Mindaugo g. 13
03225 Vilnius, Lietuva
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Lithuania 8 10 370 5 266 22 14
99. Republica Moldova, mun. Chişinău,
Str. A.Mateevici, 83/1, MD-2009
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Moldova 8 10 373 22 60 29 86
100. EG Groot Hertoginnelaan 26, Den Haag, Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, 2517 EG Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Kingdom of the Netherlands 8 10 31 6 575 62 463
8 10 31 70 302 80 30
101. ul.Wiertnicza 58
02-952 Warszawa, Polska

Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Poland

8 10 48 22 742 07 20
102. ul. Noakowskiego 9
80-313 Gdańsk, Polska

Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Gdansk (Poland)

8 10 48 58 341 00 26
103. ul.Elektryczna 9
15-080 Białystok, Polska
Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Bialystok (Poland) 8 10 48 85 664 99 43
104. ul.Sitnicka 77
21-500 Biała Podlaska, Polska

Consulate of the Republic of Belarus in Byala Podlaska (Poland)

8 10 48 83 3421814
105. Villa 45, E-19, plot 111, Sharq Area, P.O.Box 30337 Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the United Arab Emirates 8 10 971569594811
106. ул. Маросейка, д.17/6, строение 3,
101990, г.Москва, Центр, Россия
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation 8 10 495 624 19 68
107. ул. Бонч-Бруевича, д.3а
191124, г.Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation (Office of the Embassy in St. Petersburg) 8 10 7 812 274 72 12
108. ул. Дм.Донского, д.35а
236010, г.Калининград, Россия
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation (Office of the Embassy in Kaliningrad) 8 10 7 911 4854478
109. ул. 14-Линия, д.74/1
344019, г.Ростов-на-Дону, Россия
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation (Office of the Embassy  in Rostov-on-Don) 8 10 7 863 286 96 90
110. Deligradska 13,
11000 Beograd, Srbija

Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Serbia

810 381 11 36 16 938
810 381 63 32 17 73
111. ul.Jančova, 5,
811 02 Bratislava 1, Slovenska republika
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Slovak Republic 8 10 421 2 6225 0152
112. 1619 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20009, USA
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the United States of America 8 10 1 202 986 2929
113. 708 Third Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10017, USA
Consulate General of Belarus in New York (USA)
8 10 1 212 682 5392
114. Abidin Daver Sokak, 17, 06550, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Turkey 8 10 90 312 441 66 24
115. Birgül Sk. Toros Villa No:1/B
34153 Florya Bakırköy / Istanbul,

Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Istanbul (Turkey)

8 10 90 212 573 66 31
116. Узбекистон Республикаси, 100047 Тошкент шахри, Гуломов кучаси, 75
O'zbekiston Respublikasi, 100047, Toshkent shahri, Gulomov ko'chasi, 75 
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Uzbekistan 8 10 998 93 380 01 46
117. вул. М.Коцюбинського, 3
01901 м.Київ, Україна
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Ukraine 8 10 380 44 537 52 00
118. Boulevard Suchet, 38
75016 Paris, France
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to France 8 10 33 144 14 69 78
119. Pohjoinen Makasiinikatu 4 (kerros 5), 00130 Helsinki, Suomi Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Finland 8 10 358 942472053
120.    ul. Sádky 626
171 00 Praha 7 – Troja, Czech Republic
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Czech Republic 8 10 420 233541011
121. Quartierweg 6,
3074 Muri bei Bern, Schweiz
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to Switzerland 8 10 41 31 952 79 14
122. Los Comicios Oe6-86 (No. 39B) y
Los Cabildos,
170150, Quito, Ecuador
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Ecuador 8 10 593 996 89 66 62
123. Magdaleena 3, sektsion "B"
11312 Tallinn, Eesti Vabariigi
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Estonia 8 10 372 651 55 00
8 10 372 582 68 245
124. 164, Orion av,
0181 Sterrewag, Pretoria
South Afriсa
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of South Africa 8 10 27 12 4302928
8 10 27 79 3845954
125. 141-0022, Japan,
Tokyo, Shinagawa-ku,
Higashi Gotanda, 5-6-32
Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Japan 8 10 81 80 8908 2882

Great Patriotic War monuments in Belarus