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Dishes of Belarusian cuisine

Aromatic vereshchaka, roasted juicy meat, home-cooked sausages, golden draniki, cabbage, buckwheat and pumpkin pancakes, lazanka with different layers, trickled pastries, pickles, soups with white mushrooms and herbal and berry liqueurs… the Belarusian cuisine has a lot of dishes that can pleasantly surprise even gourmets.

Here you can find the recipes which will help you cook a dinner in Belarusian style and feel the taste of Belarus’ national cuisine. Cooks from Minsk restaurants share original recipes and their own cooking secrets.


Potato pyzy

Vereshchaka Potato pyzy

Potato sausage

Belarusian salad

Potato sausage Belarusian salad



Lazanki Draniki



  Zrazy Mazurka

Belarusian pancakes

Belarusian pancakes

Great Patriotic War monuments in Belarus