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Unmanned dirigible

Unmanned dirigible
19 Jan 2017

The Belarusian unmanned dirigible can fly as high as 600m and as far as 25-40km away from the flight control station. Best of all, it can hover in one spot and monitor the environment in great detail, including in heavily forested areas. It can travel at speeds varying from 0kmph to 40kmph. There are plans to use the dirigibles in Belarusian forestry enterprises and national parks. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is supposed to be the first national park to use the drone. By the way, the unmanned dirigible has already been used to take records of herds of European bisons, wild boars, and other animals in various wildlife sanctuaries in Belarus.

R&D Center for Multifunctional Unmanned Complexes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Enterprise personnel near the unmanned aerial vehicle Burevestnik
Unmanned aerial vehicle system Burevestnik
Unmanned aerial vehicle system Burevestnik MB
Unmanned dirigible
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