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12 Aug 2023

Lukashenko voices formula for support in agriculture

Lukashenko voices formula for support in agriculture

MINSK, 12 August (BelTA) - The money invested in the development of agriculture should give a return, and the state is ready to support and help those who work well, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during a visit to the Start TS farm in Orsha District, BelTA has learned.

The matter was about further development of the raw materials base in the region. The president is ready to make the necessary additional decisions in this regard, but it is important to have a development perspective - processing, product sales, and a network of stores. "We will provide you with a raw materials zone to help you process everything you produce and earn money on it. You need to set up your own stores. Russia is right there," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

This approach must be applied not only to a particular farm but also across the country as a whole.  The state is ready to help with loans, technology, organizing the process, fuel, fertilizers. Buy as much as you want, everything is available. "We are helping the agricultural industry in a big way. Subsidies, loans, prepayments... No other country helps their agricultural industries like that. But there must be a return," the Belarusian leader stressed.

The main thing is not even production volumes, as it was before. Selling at a profit is much more important. "We will help strategically," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The head of state also draws attention to another important aspect – manufacture of an exclusive product: "Turning milk into butter and drying it, producing whey or other products. We are doing all that. You need to come up with a product the people will queue to get it. There are plenty of free niches. You just have to be proactive."

"Therefore, if we see the result, we will help, both with finances, and technology, and everything else. Why not help those who work efficiently and effectively. That's the only formula," Aleksandr Lukashenko concluded.

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