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12 Sep 2023

Lukashenko urges to preserve a peaceful Belarus for future generations

Lukashenko urges to preserve a peaceful Belarus for future generations

MINSK, 12 September (BelTA) - We must live in such a way as not to repeat the mistakes of the past and to preserve a peaceful Belarus for children and grandchildren, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he presented state awards on 12 September, BelTA has learned. 

The head of state noted that the day of the reunification of Belarus, its eastern and western parts - 17 September 1939 - has become a symbol of the national unity that will not fade over time. "But this experience tells us that it is equally important to be together in peacetime. To work for the good of our people and the Fatherland."

"We must live in such a way as never to repeat the mistakes of the past, to be strong in the face of new threats and challenges, to preserve our peaceful, amazingly beautiful Belarus for children and grandchildren. We must live so that we and those who come after us are not be ashamed later," the president said.

"Thank you for everything you do," the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko congratulated everyone on the upcoming holiday - National Unity Day and well-deserved awards.

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