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11 Apr 2024

Lukashenko to journalists: Space is ours! Yours and ours!

Lukashenko to journalists: Space is ours! Yours and ours!
Oleg Novitsky and Marina Vasilevskaya

MOSCOW, 11 April (BelTA) – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko commented on Marina Vasilevskaya's flight to the ISS during a media scrum at the Kremlin, BelTA has learned.

First of all, Russian journalists congratulated the president on the flight of the Belarusian cosmonaut. "The space is yours, right?" the head of state was asked.

"Space is ours! Yours and ours! Thanks to you, it has become ours," the president said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Belarusians flew into space in Soviet times. "Today our girl flew into space... Well, we are training a few more girls. They say our girls are stronger. Therefore, we seek to get ourselves into the Russian program and work together with you in space," he said.

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