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31 May 2023

FM: Belarus and Pakistan stay committed to mutually beneficial cooperation

FM: Belarus and Pakistan stay committed to mutually beneficial cooperation
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MINSK, 31 May (BelTA) - The willingness of Belarus and Pakistan to develop mutually beneficial relations remains unchanged, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik told the media after the talks with his Pakistani counterpart in Islamabad on 30 May, BelTA has learned.

“All our meetings were held in a constructive atmosphere, while the dialogue was frank and respectful. In the world of modern diplomacy frankness and mutual respect are unfortunately becoming rare. However, they remain an indispensable foundation for building strong and lasting relations between nations,” Sergei Aleinik said.

The minister stressed that his visit had once again confirmed that the interaction between Belarus and Pakistan was based on this very foundation. “Citizens of our countries have known each other for a long time. Pakistanis are familiar with the word “Belarus” by the name of the Belarusian tractors which we have been supplying to the Pakistani market for over 50 years. Despite the geographical distance and dramatic changes in our countries and the world over the past decades, the willingness of Belarus and Pakistan to further develop mutually beneficial relations remains unchanged,” the diplomat said.

According to Sergei Aleinik, Belarus views Pakistan as a valuable and reliable partner in South Asia and the Muslim world.

“This is a clear and consistent position of our country, our head of state, the president, which always resonates with the leadership of Pakistan. Therefore, personal involvement of the leaders of our countries plays an important role in the progressive development of our relations,” he added.

Last year, when Pakistan was confronted with the dire consequences of the floods, a humanitarian cargo was sent to Islamabad by order of the president of Belarus. “It is a perfectly natural friendly response. I am sure that Pakistan would do the same to Belarus,” the minister added.


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