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20 Dec 2022

Expansion of Belarusian nuclear power plant, construction of second one under consideration

Expansion of Belarusian nuclear power plant, construction of second one under consideration
An archive photo

MINSK, 20 December (BelTA) – The construction of the third unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant or the construction of a new nuclear power plant are under consideration in Belarus, BelTA learned from Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich.

Viktor Karankevich said: “The feasibility study was prepared and thoroughly reviewed by government agencies and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The Energy Ministry and the Economy Ministry took an active part in the review process.”

The official remarked that Belarus is considering the construction of the third unit of the existing nuclear power plant or the construction of a new nuclear power plant for the sake of further improving the country’s energy independence amid constantly growing electricity consumption. “We have quite many applications for electricity. There are power-intensive manufacturing enterprises. We can use electricity to promote electric vehicles. We can use electricity for heating. All the matters concerning the possibility of and the need for building the third unit or the second nuclear power plant will be tied to the satisfaction of demand for electricity in our country,” he stressed.

“It is a matter of further analysis and the organization of survey work,” Viktor Karankevich concluded.

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