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23 Nov 2023

Accomplishment of priorities of Belarus’ CSTO presidency pointed out

Accomplishment of priorities of Belarus’ CSTO presidency pointed out
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MINSK, 23 November (BelTA) – Belarus has accomplished the priorities of the country’s presidency over the Collective Security Treaty Organization, BelTA learned from Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik.

According to Sergei Aleinik, the year 2023 has been complicated, yet Belarus has managed to realize all the priorities of the Collective Security Treaty Organization presidency and fulfill virtually all the events and steps stipulated by the plan. The CSTO secretary general informed the Belarus president about it this week. “And yesterday during the joint meeting of the foreign ministers and secretaries of the security councils we stated practically complete fulfillment of priorities of the Republic of Belarus’ presidency. Moreover, we stated that many of the cooperation avenues suggested by Belarus have a long-term nature. We expressed hope that our priorities will be used by consequent presiding countries, primarily by Kazakhstan,” the official said.

BelTA reported earlier that Belarus’ presidency of the Collective Security Treaty Organization embraced the motto “Through solidarity and cooperation towards peace and security”. The declared priorities included the resolution of crisis situations and the prevention of further destabilization in the CSTO responsibility area, effective positioning of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in the system of international relations through advancement of cooperation with international organizations and third countries, the reinforcement of the CSTO’s military component, the enhancement of the analytical component, responses to information wars, and media positioning.

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